Taking Advantage of Consultant Networking Events

Brokerages Offer Various Opportunities to Attend Franchise Conferences and Trade Shows

Franchise consultant organization events offer a one-of-a kind opportunity to build relationships, network and get together with top franchise professionals. With a franchise broker organization like the International Franchise Professionals Group (IFPG), mixing business with pleasure is easy with can’t miss events like the IFPG Retreat and Regional Mixers. Consultants get to hobnob with franchising’s top leaders and get their thoughts on best practices and franchising issues while having fun with friends and colleagues. What could be better than that?

Here, we take a deep dive into three exciting and worthwhile consultant networking events and opportunities.

Franchise Consultant Networking Events and Opportunities

There are several networking events to watch out for as part of a franchise brokerage membership. These include:

1. Discovery Days

By attending franchise discovery days, you gain valuable insights into the franchisor's culture and operations, offering a better understanding of brands to show candidates. Many franchisor members organize Discovery Days and, in many cases, cover the travel costs for consultants.

2. Conventions and Expos

Franchise broker organizaitons often have a presence at conventions and expos. These events can significantly improve your business prospects by connecting you with franchise seekers, franchisees, franchisors and other franchising experts.

Franchise Conferences and Trade Shows
Attending Franchise Conferences and trade shows can help improve your franchise consulting business.

consultant networking
The IFPG Retreat features franchising’s top leaders.


3. Regional Events 

Some franchise broker organizations organize regional workshops and seminars to provide in-depth knowledge about specific franchises and industries. At IFPG’s Regional Discovery Mixers, consultants have a chance to get to know franchisors in a relaxed environment that promotes relationship building. These events start with speed networking and end with tours of franchises, team building activities, food and fun! IFPG has hosted can’t-miss Regional Discovery Mixers in places like Omaha and Las Vegas! 

consultant networking events
IFPG Regional Discovery Mixers offer educational opportunities in fun environments.

franchise netowrking events
IFPG's events are known for great panel discussions.


Networking with prospective franchisees can be invaluable to your franchise consulting business. Franchise broker networks may organize franchisee meetups where you can learn from experienced franchise owners, share best practices and build a supportive community.

Taking Advantage of Consultant Networking Events 

Leveraging a franchise broker network can be a game-changer for your franchise consulting business by offering you a wealth of resources, including consultant networking events, webinars, mentorship and more. With the right support and guidance from a franchise brokerage, you can better help candidates discover the ideal franchise and increase your own personal network.

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“IFPG’s mission is to serve the franchise industry with innovation, growth and opportunity. We do that by constantly improving and adding to the value we bring our members. Find out why more than 1,500 of the industry’s most respected professionals chose IFPG. Schedule a one-on-one virtual tour with a member of our team. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you.”

Red Boswell, President

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