An IFPG Consultant attended a Floor Coverings International virtual discovery day in January and knew they would be a perfect fit for her new candidates! "Floor Coverings International is a great concept and backed by a terrific company with incredible sister brands. It felt so right for them from the very start."
He reached the end at his corporate job and she lost her job due to Covid and they opted to do a business together. He has an extensive sales management background and she was in customer service. There were two different buyers that wanted this territory but Floor Coverings International believed that they were the best candidates. They chose IFPG Vendor Member Franfund to finance their venture!
"Thank you for bringing me on board with IFPG. I love working with people and bringing them into a new career of business ownership is so rewarding! Cannot wait to fill this form out again one day soon!" -IFPG Consultant.
Congratulations on a job well done!