An Everline Coatings Franchise is Awarded in Atlanta, GA!


EverLine is excited to welcome the newest owners to the franchise family! EverLine is the first franchise company that is bringing sophistication to the underdeveloped, highly fragmented line striping and pavement maintenance industry as a full-service provider and positioning itself as the premier choice for parking lot maintenance.

The candidates began their careers working in the architecture and engineering fields. She spent her early career in residential architecture, later leading residential interior design teams.

He has been involved in the energy efficiency and environmental solutions field for almost 25 years. After working for several years with a Fortune 500 company, he founded a boutique consulting firm, which has been in successful operation for the last seven years. They have a 13-year-old son and a 10-year-old daughter and have resided in metro Atlanta, GA, for twenty years.

With their combined experience bringing big-business approaches with a small-business touch, Everline was right up their alley. They are confident that the Everline approach to this market will provide clients and partners with an experience they have not typically seen. Moreover, EverLine’s use of a proven business operating system gave them both the confidence that they could realize success. Upon meeting with the Everline leadership team and speaking with other franchisees across North America, they were ready to go.

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