An IFPG Consultant Helps All Dry Welcome A New Franchisee In Portland, Oregon!

All Dry is making waves across the country and is now in another new market for All Dry, Portland, OR for FOUR NEW TERRITORIES!!! His one instruction to this IFPG Consultant was to find him a company that helps people. All Dry fits that description perfectly, and he looks forward to serving his community as both an employer and service provider of choice.

This new franchisee started his professional career in the oil industry, after graduating with a BS in Geophysics from Texas A&M University in 1983, but he quickly migrated to the newspaper industry which he found far more personally rewarding.

At Oregon’s largest daily newspaper, THE OREGONIAN, he served as the Transportation Manager for most of his 21 years there and is proud of the many improvements he implemented during that time. When the newspaper industry fell into decline, he joined, as a Project Manager, one of the trucking companies that delivered newspapers for him. Along the way, he also accumulated a Master's education in Quality Assurance from California State University Dominguez Hills, and multiple certifications in Quality Management (inc. Six Sigma Black Belt), Project Management, and Parliamentary Procedure.

He could not have been more excited to experience All Dry’s Confirmation Day in Jupiter, FL. He saw big potential in the brand and a wide-open market in Portland that he knew wouldn’t remain available for long, based on the rate at which All Dry is scaling, awarding 30+ territories month-over-month.

Congratulations on a great placement!

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