Shack Shine is having a great Q2 so far with 5 new franchises and over 11 territories awarded.
Their newest Franchise Partner introduced to us by an IFPG Consultant was a marine veteran who served for over 10 years in the military. After transitioning out of the military, he became a sales engineer and has developed strong leadership skills working with both blue and white-collar employees. After being micro-managed too long and not feeling like he was getting full value from his efforts, he decided to unplug from the corporate world. What attracted him to Shack Shine was the opportunity to lead multiple crews, the opportunity to scale a business quickly, and to deliver an exceptional customer experience. What really put him over the line was our new Payment Plan and Performace Guarantee.
What is Shack Shine?
Shack Shine brings together several fragmented industries under the innovative ‘house detailing’ category. You’ve heard of car detailing: when you pick up your car it’s shiny, looks like new, and you drive away feeling like a million bucks. Shack Shine does the same – but for the exterior of your home.
Congratulations on a job well done!