An IFPG Consultant is Back for More Territory with Smash My Trash!

An IFPG Consultant and business partner invested in Smash My Trash last year and have now come back to buy an additional territory in Grand Rapids.

The Consultant graduated from Western Illinois University with a degree in finance. He built a successful career in operations, general management, and finance. In 2003, he began investing in franchise opportunities. Over the next 16 years, he built a multi-unit, multi-concept, multi-market restaurant operation that included 14 Jimmy John’s, 12 Dunkin’s, and 3 Bar Louie gastropubs. Liquidating his Jimmy John's operation in 2018, he signed development agreements with CoreLife and Pedal Pub Party Bikes. He is always looking for the right opportunity to continue to expand his portfolio and was very excited about SMT from the beginning.

He is partnering with a long-time neighbor and friend for the Smash My Trash venture. He graduated from Michigan State University with an engineering degree and he received his master’s from Notre Dame. He has over 20 years in manufacturing, distribution, logistics, and sales management. He currently serves as the Senior Director of Technical Services for Performance Health.

"They joined us for a virtual Discovery Day. Beyond the meetings, Discovery Day was a day of fun watching demonstrations of our smash trucks in action. They truly embraced the vision of Smash My Trash; to disrupt the commercial waste industry with patented technology and innovation!" -Franchise Fastlane

Franchise FastLane is smashing records selling over 450 territories in 2020 with Smash My Trash! This brand is disrupting the commercial waste industry and is an opportunity that candidates are excited about from the first introduction.

Congratulations on a job well done!


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