Club SciKidz and an
IFPG Consultant worked together to award a franchise! This
franchisee was a lead from
IFPG Vendor Member Career Transition Leads and will be coming
to Fulton County, GA including City of Atlanta.
"We just relaunched Club SciKidz in September, so we are
excited to see the first of hopefully many new franchises. Lots of
available territory, low entry franchise, large geographic
exclusive territory and more."- David Deutsch
Club SciKidz is an educational and technology enrichment program
for children ages 4 to 15 that utilizes interactive presentations
of structured science-themed activities in a fun, nurturing
environment. It appeals to children who have a genuine interest in
how things work; what things are made of and how science works in
the real world.
Congratulations to ALL on a job well done!