Join us in welcoming another new franchise partner for British
Swim School and owner of 3 territories within Hamilton Square, New
Jersey. Initially, this concept was not at the top of the
candidate's list among a few traditional opportunities, but once
the curiosity was there and the education process commenced, it
quickly became the leader.
They are excited to continue the fight against child drowning
across the nation as they are on track to award their 100th
franchise this year.
If you haven't shown British Swim School, I encourage you to
show it. Take a chance on it; curiosity gets them interested in the
process, and then the simple business model and strong validation
will help your client make a great decision." - Franchise
British Swim School is the leader in "Learn to Swim" programs.
It was revolutionary in developing a survival program that enables
the very young to survive an accident in water. It's gentle fun
program makes it a number one choice for all parents.
Congratulations to all on a job well done!