Join us in welcoming Rob Berry and Dave Lawrence to the Crestcom
International family.
Rob Berry is the President of Zaxa Group. Rob began his career
at General Electric and rose to various functional and business
leadership roles. Rob then took his leadership and operational
skills to build business transformation programs within various
healthcare, legal, and news organizations. Rob has been a guest
speaker at various conventions and spent three years teaching Lean
Six Sigma to Engineering and Business students at the University of
Dave Lawrence is the President of Apogee Leadership. Prior to
joining Crestcom, Dave spent 17 years as a Business Development
Executive leading high-growth Start-ups and Fortune 500 companies
to strategically penetrate, grow and execute in Latin America. Dave
successfully led diverse teams, managed P&Ls and oversaw
partnership initiatives in the Industrial Distribution, Clean
Energy and Technology industries.
Crestcom franchisees market and deliver training in the areas of
sales, customer service, leadership and management development.
Crestcom uses a unique combination of video instruction and live
facilitation to teach these skills. Crestcom is an
internationally-renowned business. The Crestcom Video Faculty has
included many of the world's leading business experts, including
Zig Ziglar, Tom Hopkins, Harvey Mackay, and Lisa Ford. Crestcom
training works because it changes behavior, through a 12 month
program with defined goals after each session. The company is
active in 50+ countries and Crestcom's materials are translated
into 20+ languages. Crestcom offers a comprehensive support system
for franchisees.
Congratulations to all on a job well done!