Join us in welcoming Sheriff Showuni to Global Financial
Training Program.
The IFPG consultant "piggy backed" this brand with another real
estate brand and the client went for both opportunities. Sheriff
decided that Global would add more revenue streams to the his
business and he really liked that strategy.
Global has been helping people who want to get into the business
of providing loans to small to medium size businesses who can not
get financing at their local banks for more than 15 years. In short
They provide a four day training in New York City where they
will learn every aspect of the finance business. They will learn
about all of the types of loans they can make.They will be able to
provide just about any type of loan a business owner needs.
Global Financial Training Program is not a Franchise so there
are no royalties and no territory restrictions!
The IFPG Consultant had this bit of advice to share: "Be sure to
learn all the 'ins and outs' of funding; it will pay big dividends
with your clients."
Congratulations to all on a job well done!