Join us in welcoming Stan and Amy Joyner to the British Swim
School franchise.
This is Karol's second placement with British Swim School in the
past year.
"Mike Edwards is the best and knows how to get a deal done. The
process is very involved and systematic where you are truly
'awarded' a franchise if you meet the proper criteria. They want to
make sure their opportunity is the right fit for the candidates."
said Karol.
Stan & Amy Joyner were looking for a franchise opportunity that
allowed them to be a collaborated husband and wife team. Although
they were initially reluctant to explore this particular
opportunity, Karol encouraged them to at least have an initial
conversation with the development manager, Mike Edwards. She knew
the opportunity met their budget and other requirements. After
their first call, Stan & Amy's perspective shifted and they
eventually invested in TWO territories.
"I knew BSS was a good fit for these folks for many reasons.
These folks trusted me. I suggested they should have at least two
calls with the company to better understand the concept...It pays
to take the role of a consultant during this process rather than
our candidates controlling the process" says Karol.
Stan and Amy purchased using roll over retirement funds and a
small business loan from Phoenix Funding Source (an IFPG Vendor
Congratulations to all on a job well done!