An IFPG Consultant brought Critter Control an amazing candidate and they were awarded a franchise in record time!
The IFPG Consultant vetted them very well. They are hungry to succeed. These candidates knew that they wanted more than what they were currently achieving at their jobs. From the very first call, they put in the work and did the research, and found Critter Control to be a great fit!
Critter Control has its own bank and has no income/liquid capital requirements. This made it very easy for the new franchisees! “The in-house financing was key in securing this deal.”- IFPG Consultant
Critter Control Certified Wildlife Specialists have the knowledge and experience to handle any wildlife animal or pest control problem. Wildlife animal control, animal removal, wildlife damage repair, pest control, and nuisance animal prevention/exclusion services are not just an afterthought at Critter Control—it’s our only line of business. Providing service to residential, commercial, and municipal customers, our job is to make your property safe and critter-free with permanent solutions to your animal pest control problems. We have the knowledge, equipment, and commitment to handle your nuisance wildlife and pest problem properly every time.
Congratulations on a job well done!