Husband-and-Wife Duo Brings Naturals2Go to Florida

The Franchise Consultant candidates are excited to bring healthy vending options to Wesley Chapel, FL! The one candidate is a veteran who is very active in vet-related organizations and currently works in cybersecurity. He has been passionate about the idea of starting a business for the majority of his adult life and looks forward to using his degree in business administration and certificate in small business management.

His wife is a family practice nurse, and they have two children. Giving back to the community and the ability to be autonomous while following a proven model sold them on Naturals2Go.

“This opportunity with Naturals 2Go offers the ability to create an additional revenue stream to better provide for our family with little or no disruption to an ongoing career. When said career has run its course, we will have established a profitable business that allows us to close that chapter of your life on our terms, independent of market conditions or other external factors." - Franchise Consultant candidates