Closet Factory has become a leading closet company franchise in
closet organization with over 50 locations throughout the United
States. This national network of closet companies and their
employees is dedicated to creating the best custom closet solutions
possible, right down to the smallest detail.
An IFPG Consultant brought this candidate to Closet Factory.
The Consultant helped this candidate overcome some reservations
at the outset - like worrying that the start up cost was more than
what he wanted to invest. The Consultant redirected the candidate
from worrying about details back to the most important benefits
that the business would offer him and his family.
The consultant said that it was critical to "Listen to the
client's concerns, understanding their concerns are critical to
bringing your client to place where they can see themselves as a
franchise owner...Allow your client a comfortable place in your
conversations, so that they can find the answers they are looking
for in the process."
We Wish you Continued Success!