Legends Boxing is excited to announce our newest territory
awarded in San Jose, California! These Franchisees are thrilled to
be opening their new gym together and becoming the newest members
within the Legends tribe!
Both are full time engineers planning to run their gym
semi-passively. He currently works as an IT Manager at Tesla while
She is a system architect for a company based out of Denver.
Ultimately, the combination of leading their customers to become
the best and healthiest versions of themselves and the unbeatable
support that the Legends team provides for its franchisees made the
decision to open a gym with Legends a no brainer.
"While we were comfortable with the concept and the
management team, our decision was proven even further when we
started the discovery process with Mike (Samson). He is truly
passionate about the brand and was extremely helpful during each
step of the process. He is someone you can feel comfortable
reaching out to anytime- day or night, weekdays or
weekends".- The Franchisees
Congratulations on a job well done!