Thanks to the help of an IFPG Consultant, the newest Clean Juice
Franchisee loved the concept so much he purchased two different 4
This candidate is an experienced business professional that owns
several different businesses and wanted to provide a healthy food
option to coincide with the fitness businesses that he owns. He
wanted to add Clean Juice locations as close as possible to his
fitness locations.
"Clean Juice was fantastic to work with and treated my
candidate like a true professional." said the IFPG
Consultant. "After seeing how Staci and the Clean Juice
team was on top of things, I only offered my assistance when needed
and making sure my candidate was staying on track."
This IFPG Consultant has some advice when it comes to working
with IFPG Franchisors. "Finding the right "franchise
partner" makes all the difference in the world. Work closely with
the franchisor on the front end with as much information as
possible about your candidate, then stay out of the way and trust
the franchisor to move things along."
Congratulations to ALL on a job well done!