Mighty Dog Roofing Franchise Awarded in Detroit, MI - IFPG

Mighty Dog Roofing Franchise

Mighty Dog Roofing knows that the IFPG Consultant's dedication and hard work have been instrumental in bringing well-qualified and prepared candidates to the Discovery Process for Mighty Dog Roofing. The new Mighty Dog Roofing Franchisees were awarded territory in East Detroit, MI.

The IFPG Consultant Candidate's consistent attentiveness during Franchisor interactions, active engagement in validation calls, and persistent inquiry throughout the Discovery Process all underline his commitment. Drawing from his extensive professional background in Corporate America, he is poised to transition seamlessly into the role of a franchisee.

This Candidate diligently evaluated both Blingle and MDR as potential opportunities. Upon affirming his aspiration to join HorsePower Brands, his focus shifted towards discerning the optimal alignment between his goals and the market dynamics. Everyone is excited for him to join the Mighty Dog Roofing family!