Right from the beginning, the IFPG Consultant Candidate expressed a lot of interest in Schooley Mitchell. He was very engaged throughout the entire process and asked thoughtful questions to learn more about the unique opportunity. His background in sales will serve him well as a Schooley Mitchell franchisee in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Schooley Mitchell requires aspiring franchisees to have executive, management, sales, marketing, or consulting backgrounds – and they can teach the rest. Many of their most successful franchisees had no experience before joining Schooley Mitchell. The Schooley Michell comprehensive training programs, support systems, tools, and software provide all the resources needed to be successful.
The IFPG Consultant Candidate liked the business model. He also liked that the franchisees don't have territory restrictions. Franchisees can have clients anywhere in North America.
"I have wanted to have more control over my career and future, and having my own business as a consultant for Schooley Mitchell will give me that flexibility and allow me to reach my business and personal goals." -IFPG Consultant Candidate.