What Are the Most Lucrative Self-Employment Careers You Can Start?

Make Freelance Income as a Franchise Consultant

When you are looking to make self-employed income, you want benefits that don’t come from corporate positions. Although self-employment can have a wide variety of perks, ranging from the ability to set your own schedule to the flexibility of working from home, one thing remains constant: you must have an entrepreneurial spark and passion to succeed.

Those looking for lucrative self-employment want to make more money, and that’s possible in  the booming franchise industry. As a Franchise Consultant, you could earn generous commissions for connecting potential franchise owners with franchise business opportunities.

When a deal is closed, the Franchise Consultant receives a commission. Similar to how real estate agents work, a Franchise Consultant’s role is to connect prospective buyers and sellers in the franchise market. By taking note of the needs of both the franchisor and the potential investor, Franchise Consultants forge creative solutions and innovative partnerships.

How to Earn Self-Employed Income with IFPG

Franchise Consultants with the International Franchise Professionals Group (IFPG) can make money three ways:

  • Earn commissions selling franchises
  • Earn commissions helping small business owners franchise their businesses
  • Earn referral fees from IFPG vendors

In addition to earning self-employed income, you can set your own schedule, be your own boss, and collect your own commissions. You’ll never have to answer to a boss or endure the daily grind of commuting to an office.

It’s important to note that IFPG trains Franchise Consultants and provides them with the necessary network, lending capabilities, educational opportunities, and more to ensure a good match between prospective franchisees and franchisors. This network of industry professionals serves as the backbone for Franchise Consultant deals.


self employed income

The three revenue streams combine to funnel a sizable income into the hands of a Franchise Consultant. If you are sick of working for an ungrateful boss, feeling as if you are no longer in control of your own destiny, starting a new career as a Franchise Consultant can put you on the road to positive change.

Additionally, IFPG takes no part of a Franchise Consultant’s commissions. After paying a one-time $27,500 fee for training and a monthly $250 fee for membership, Franchise Consultants earn 100 percent of their commission-based earnings. Those looking for lucrative self-employed careers will find few better than the Franchise Consultant position.


Freelance Income as a Franchise Consultant

Lucrative self-employment options may seem too good to be true. In the case of IFPG, the truth is that training with professionals, having access to a network of 600 franchise brands, continuing your education, and attending industry networking events can put you on the road to financial independence.

If you are interested in starting a new career as a Franchise Consultant, contact us today to learn more about how we can help you transition into a new career and a better life.

Start Your New Career Today
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Red Boswell Headshot

“IFPG’s mission is to serve the franchise industry with innovation, growth and opportunity. We do that by constantly improving and adding to the value we bring our members. Find out why more than 1,500 of the industry’s most respected professionals chose IFPG. Schedule a one-on-one virtual tour with a member of our team. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you.”

Red Boswell, President

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