Established: 2012
First Unit Franchised: 2022
Franchised Units: 160
Company Owned Units: 1
Approved Registration States: CT, IN, MI, RI, SD, WI, ND,
Registration Pending: VA, IL
States Not Registered: AK, CA, HI, MD, NY, WA
Canada Franchises: No
International Franchises: No
For a limited time IFoam is offering a
territory perk where candidates can purchase 2+ territories and
receive an additional one at no cost. Anytime a candidate purchases
2 or more territories they will receive an additional territory for
free. This is designed to support cash flow and put extra savings
back into your candidates' wallets.
This promo is for any candidate registered between 10/25/24 -
2/1/25 that close on or before 5/1/25.
Please note: Your candidate will not be paying
anything for the additional territory - the commission paid to you
will not include the free territory.
Example 1: if your candidate purchases 2 territories
they will get a 3rd one for free. You will be paid on a 2 territory
Example 2: if your candidate purchases 3
territories they will get a 4th one for free. You will be paid on a
3 territory deal... et