The idea for a franchise can be simple. This rings true for the founders of the Burrito Shark franchise. As a father of young children, David Longo noticed a need for a restaurant that served great food in a quick dining atmosphere. He wanted to keep the menu simple and affordable. As an industry veteran, Longo wanted to leverage his experience and established the Burrito Shack in 2015. The concept combines everything that the Longo family loves: flavorful food, beach vibes, and family. The flagship Burrito Shak restautant is located just 10 miles from the beach, so they were inspired to give the menu and décor a coastal vibe. The brand is based in North Carolina and is on a mission to provide fresh-mex cuisine in a family-friendly atmosphere. In addition to North Carolina, Burrito Shark has expanded to Arizona. In terms of an initial investment, qualified candidates can expect it be $324,725 and need $100,000 in liquid capital.
The Burrito Shak restaurant franchise has been approved by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Registry program for banks and other lending institutions to streamline the business loan approval process, which is beneficial for candidates. Burrito Shak has an initial training program that is broken down into classroom and on-the-job instruction. During this time, you'll learn how to run the business properly. This includes hiring, food prep, marketing and advertising, and more. The support and training are ongoing. Burrito Shark is part of the IFA's VetFran Program, which incentives veteran franchise ownership with discounts and mentorship.